Many of us rely on a morning cup of coffee or a jolt of caffeine in the afternoon to help us get through the day. caffeine is widely available to everyone,especially in u.s which made the u.s food and drug administration (FDA) , says about 80 percent of u.s adult take some form of caffeine everyday.
Taking caffeine does more than just keeping you awake. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that functionally affect your body in many ways.
However, caffeine provides no nutritional value on its own,that is, it is tasteless, to the fact that you may not know if it is in your food. Infact, some of the medications you take might contain caffeine without your knowledge .
Do you know that caffeine being an ingredient in your coffee causes some symptoms. After consuming caffeine, you may feel more energetic, but overtime , too much caffeine may cause withdrawal symptoms.
According to mayo clinic, stated that it is safe for most healthy adult to consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. It is most important for you to keep this in mind that the standardized size cup of caffeine is eight ounces. if probabaly you are using a mug or getting your fox at a coffee house, there are chances that you are drinking 16 ounce or more, so in order to avoid this, it is very important for you to carefully read labels before consuming. 
Continous daily consumption of same amount of caffeine, makes your body develop a tolerance to it. However, as a result of carefully observation, some factors like your age, body mass, and overall health can naturally determine your tolerance to caffeine.
Health wise, if you want to decrease the amount of caffeine you take, its best for you to decrease your consumption slowly.
Consumption of caffeine in your food or drink has some health consequences on your body which can either be harmful, dangerous or beneficial to your body system.

Circulatory system....

At first, caffeine is absorbed from your stomach. There is a high speed at which it reaches its highest level in your blood stream which might be within an hour or two. THe effect of caffeine can be arttributed to an increase in adrenaline or a temporary block in the hormones that naturally widen your arteries thereby increasing your blood pressure for a short time. Mostly in people there is no long term effect on blood pressure , but if you have an irregular heart rhythms , consuming caffeine may make your heart work harder. It is advisable for you, specifically if you have high blood pressure ( Hypertension) or heart related problem to ask your doctor if caffeine is safe for you to consume. 
Too much consumption or an overdose of caffeine may cause rapid or irregular heartbeat and breathing problems. Unfortunately, too much caffeine (overdose) consumption can result in death due to convulsion or irregular heart beat.

     Reproductive System...

Caffeine moves within the bloodstream and crosses into the plancenta. The consumpton of caffeine can cause your baby heart rate and metabolism to increase , why? because caffeine is a stimulant.
Moreover, too much caffeine can also cause slowed fetal growth and increased risk of miscarriage. But the good news is that, in most cases, a little of caffeine is safe during pregnancy.
According to the mayo clinic, you are advised to limit caffeine consumption between 200 and 300 milligrams per day if you are trying to get pregnant.
Evidence has shown that large amount of caffeine can interfere with the estrogen production and metabolism needed to conceive. 

  Central Nervous System...

Since caffeine is a stimulant, it act as a central nervous system stimulants, when caffeine reaches your brain, one of the most noticeable effect is alertness. During that period, you will feel more awake and less tired, so as a result of this effect, it is a common ingredient in medication to treat or manage drowsiness, headaches and migraines.
Various studies have also shown that people who drink coffee regularly have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's and dementia and cut suicide risk by 45 percent. Although, these benefits are limited to people who drink high-octane coffee, not decaf.
Even though some people consider coffee to be a health drink,but like most food, over indulging can cause side effects.
One of the most common effect of caffine can give you is headaches. This is primarily associated with caffeine withdrawal. Within this period, the blood vessel in your brain become used to caffeine's effect, so if you suddenly stop consuming caffeine, it can cause a haedache.
However, there are other symptoms of caffeine withdrawal which include; 
. Anxiety . Irritability . Drowsiness . in some people, it may cause tremor.
 Therefore people should not be ignorant of this help tips and advise , caffeine consumption as earlier stated has some health consequence on your body, it may either appear harmful or beneficial , but in most cases it is of more harmful than benefiting the body system.

Written by - Bankole kehinde john (kennybio)
Date - 18/6/2021

The Writing Pen Of Science.....


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