Why yawns are contagious—in all kinds of animals - Last Episode
Why yawns are contagious—in all kinds of animals - Last Episode Evolutionary biologist Andrew Gallup explains why we yawn after others Continuation from last episode, Q: Do all animals yawn the same way? A: We’ve done a number of large-scale comparative studies, where we’ve recorded the yawn durations from over 100 mammalian and avian species. We find that even when controlling for body size, there are very strong positive relationships between how long an animal yawns and how large and complex their brain is. Q: One of the most curious things about yawning is that it can be contagious. Do all animals yawn contagiously? A: We’ve been talking about spontaneous yawns up to this point—those are internally, physiologically driven. Contagious yawns are elicited by seeing or hearing yawns in others, and [they] have only been documented in highly social species, humans included. There’s a wide variability in that response among individuals. Some individuals are very susceptib...