
Showing posts from February, 2021


TALK 2 : THE POOR,THE WEAK. WHAT SHALL WE DO Note to all readers; you should all agreed with the writer that the weak and strong in the writing are the poor and rich respectively. If probably you missed the first talk of this write up, kindly go get it and read for maximum understanding of the writing. Hhmm.....   WHAT ABOUT THE WEAK ?.. THEY ARE LEFT ! They are left with no choice, They are left to be the stepping stone to trend to attain powers  They are left to be the wild dog sent out to barking profusely  THE COMMUNE ! They commune as the ant with alarming signal to fight out their way, They cries out with one voice, sonorusly filled with bitterness They commune to uphold power They commune not to dance to the tone They commune to sting bitterly with grievance BUT.... The strong lions of the world roars terribly to silence them The strong lions of the world fight back with the claws of power The communism of weak becomes an hunting field to reflect powers...

Can super-Earths' interior dynamics set the table for habitability?

Can super-Earths' interior dynamics set the table for habitability? New framework for understanding super-Earths’ interiors prerequisite for assessing habitability potential Artist's impression of the super-Earth exoplanet LHS 1140b. New research led by Yingwei Fei of the Carnegie Institution for Science provides a framework for understanding the interiors of super-Earths -- rocky exoplanets between 1.5 and 2 times the size of our home planet -- a prerequisite for assessing their potential for habitability. Planets of this size are among the most abundant in exoplanetary systems. The results of the U.S. National Science Foundation-funded research are published in Nature Communications. "Although observations of an exoplanet's atmospheric composition will be the first way to search for signatures of life beyond Earth, many aspects of a planet's surface habitability are influenced by what's happening beneath the planet's surface, and that's wh...

The Rich, The Poor. WHAT SHALL WE DO?

The Rich, The Poor.                What shall we do ? The writer, Bankole john would be writing on the topic in three different part ... There is a known Biosphere, the biosphere is impregnated with different habitats. The habitat comprises of different species, the species are of different race; the strong and weak. There is a world ! The world has different countries with different continent! The continents are made of different human race! The human race are of different status, THE RICH,THE POOR. In the world, the rich thirst for more riches, In the world,the poor thirst to be richer, In the world,the rich never thirst nor desire to be poor, In the world,the poor are mentally fustrated of being poor, They are mentally and emotionally thriving to be rich, In the world,the rich never desire the poor to be rich nor to be richer, In the world, the poor desires the rich to set back nor to be m...

SCIENCE DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE : Researchers achieve two-way communication with dreaming people.

 Researchers achieve two-way communication with dreaming people The breakthrough creates a new method for studying the human mind that could lead to innovative ways of learning and problem-solving Recorded electrical signals from a sleeping participant as they communicated with scientists. Researchers supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation have successfully achieved two-way communication with dreaming research participants sleeping in a laboratory at Northwestern University, creating a new method for studying the human mind. The breakthrough was also achieved at Osnabrück University in Germany, Sorbonne University in France and Radboud University Medical Center in the Netherlands, where researchers independently tested methods for two-way communication in dreams. The collective results from all the laboratories are published today in the journal Current Biology. The Northwestern University scientists played randomly selected audio recordings of simple math pr...


CHOOSE TO LEARN,CHOOSE WHOM TO LEARN FROM. THIRST TO LEARN, SATISFY YOUR THIRST WITH THE BEST.... The world wants to learn, the young,the adult and youth wants to learn, even the papa's and mama's still thirst to learn.  Learning never ends,  Learning is a step, Learning is a procedure, Learning is a stage, and series that continues. You start to learn at infancy stage,and you will continue till you can assimilate no more. Learning is not just knowing BUT DISCOVERING, INCULCATING, IMITATING. You just don't learn to act but you learn the principles,you don't just learn the ways but you learn to walk best in the way, you just don't learn the principles but you learn how to cope with the principles and learn how to apply the principles. The principles to discover my potentials, my dreams,my purpose,my wants,my desires, my passion differ from your principles, your policies,your criteria of discovering yours. You can learn the way but walk the way at the best...

Food contamination sometimes starts in the soil

Food contamination sometimes starts in the soil It all comes down to soil chemistry Research facility where scientists conduct rice and soil experiments. When most people hear "food contamination," they think of bacteria on unwashed fruits or vegetables or undercooked meat. However, there are other ways for harmful contaminants to get into food products. Angelia Seyfferth, a member of the Soil Science Society of America, investigates food contamination coming from the soil where the plants grow. "It all comes down to the chemistry of the soil," says Seyfferth. Seyfferth has been studying rice. The elements arsenic and cadmium can be present in the paddies where rice is grown, she found. She presented her research at the virtual 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. The study is funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation. Elements such as arsenic and cadmium can be present in different chemical forms depending on their environment. Contaminants are taken...

Scientists solve climate change mystery

Scientists solve climate change mystery Revised temperature record affirms role of greenhouse gases in recent millennia Scientists aboard the drillship JOIDES Resolution. February 11, 2021 Scientists have resolved a key climate change mystery, showing that the annual global temperature today is the warmest of the past 10,000 years, according to a Rutgers University-led study published in the journal Nature. The researchers say their findings challenge long-held views on the temperature history of the Holocene era, which began about 12,000 years ago. "Our reconstruction shows that the first half of the Holocene was colder than in industrial times due to the cooling effects of remnant ice sheets from the previous glacial," said lead author Samantha Bova. "The late Holocene warming was indeed caused by an increase in greenhouse gases, as predicted by climate models. That eliminates doubts about the key role of carbon dioxide in global warming." The U.S. Nat...


        UNDERSTANDING LOVE BEFORE LOVING All over the world, billions of people are celebrating , the young and adults celebrating, the youths celebrating, the old men and women of age celebrating LOVE. TODAY been the Valentine's day, everyone comes together and cherish love together. During this period there is replication of a particular image or picture everyone is having which the world carries around with different meaning,with different heart. Some creatures use this image as a camouflage, some I what they are.  Many creatures had been hurt , many our heart has been transformed to wild ones, just because of this I "LOVE" MY WORRIES, CONCERNS FIR THOSE HUNGRY,THIRSTY AND READY TO CHERISH LOVE JEEPS AROUSING IN ME WITH MYSTERIOUS QUESTIONS; Do they really understand LOVE, Do they have what it's takes to LOVE, Do they know the essence of LOVE , aDo they have a definition of LOVE ❓ If you are thirsty, hungry , cherish, pursuing, wanting,ready to sa...


16 Fascinating Valentine's Day Facts That Will Probably Inspire You There's a super interesting history behind the most romantic day of the year. Every February 14, lovers from around the world exchange chocolates, flowers and lavish gifts to celebrate the most romantic day of the year: Valentine's Day. But while this popular holiday is now known as a day full of sweet Hallmark cards and romantic dinner ideas for two, did you know there's actually a fascinating — and pretty dark — history of Valentine's Day that dates all the way back to ancient Rome? If you're wondering how this holiday — and its candy-filled traditions — came about, these fascinating Valentine's Day facts offer a deeper look into the age-old celebration, including interesting details on conversation hearts, heart-shaped chocolate boxes and even the first Valentine message ever sent. Whether you're spending this February 14 with your sweetheart or you're using it as an e...

RNA molecules are masters of their own destinies

RNA molecules are masters of their own destinies Understanding regulation of gene expression may help with new therapeutic approaches that target RNA A hairpin loop from a pre-mRNA. Messenger RNA is the intermediary step between DNA and proteins. February 8, 2021 At any moment in the human body, in about 30 trillion cells, DNA is being "read" into molecules of messenger RNA, or mRNA, the intermediary step between DNA and proteins, in a process called transcription. Scientists have a good idea of how transcription gets started. Proteins called RNA polymerases are recruited to specific regions of DNA molecules and begin skimming their way down the strand, synthesizing mRNA molecules as they go. But part of this process is less well-understood. How does the cell know when to stop transcribing? Now, new U.S. National Science Foundation-funded work in the labs of Whitehead Institute biologist Richard Young, who is also affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Tec...

You Need To Face The Difficult Things

TODAY'S MOTIVATION....   You Need To Face The Difficult Things   When everything seems to be going against you, Remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.     The reasons is that some don't understand that there's gonna be a time in your life that little will seems like the world is coming after you , in those moment it rather than panic , rather than letting your mind run away, rather than getting angry or frustrated.  If you remember in those time that forcing yourself to push through it , forcing yourself to find the opportunity, forcing yourself to find the lesson in that is going to be the very thing that give you lift. It's actually constraints, it's having constrictions, it's having difficult time; those are things that allows people to really find and tap into the thing that's going to allow them to achieve what they want to achieve because it's going to push you and i know that never fun, it's not what an...

The Best Stethoscope For Nursing Student

The Best Stethoscope For  Nursing Student Stethoscope is a medical instrument used in listening, to sound produced within the body , basically in the heart or lungs. There are different numbers of stethoscope used in the medical field by different medical personnel like medical doctor, nurses etc. A typical stethoscope has a small disc- shaped resonator that is placed against the skin, and one or two connected to two earpiece. In particular,it is necessary to use both a bell - shaped, open - headed chest piece which transmit low - pitched sounds well, and the flat chest piece covered with a semi rigid disc that detect sounds of higher frequency. Medical students like Nursing are subjected to perform medical experiment mostly in the hospital during the course of assessment using stethoscope. As a nursing student wanting the best results of his assessment,the best medical equipment such as best stethoscope is required. Therefore,it is of importance for a nursing student to know and a...

New study identifies bird species that could spread ticks and Lyme disease

New study identifies bird species that could spread ticks and Lyme disease Global synthesis reveals bird traits that promote Lyme and flags high-risk species True thrushes, like the American robin, have been flagged as likely Lyme hosts. February 4, 2021 Birds play an underrecognized role in spreading tickborne disease. They can spread such disease because of their capacity for long-distance travel and tendency to split their time in different parts of the world -- patterns that are shifting owing to climate change. Knowing which bird species can infect ticks with pathogens can help scientists predict where tickborne diseases might emerge and pose a health risk to people. A U.S. National Science Foundation-funded study published in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography used machine learning to identify bird species with the potential to transmit the Lyme disease bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi as ticks feed on the birds. Senior author Barbara Han, a disease ecologist a...


HE IS CAPABLE OF YOUR BURDEN  _Matthew 11:28-30  Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest._   _Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls._   _For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light._   *WORD✍️*   _God is capable of carrying your burden!_   _God is capable of carrying your problems to be his own!_   _God is capable of carrying your difficulties to be his own!_   *"COME UNTO ME ALL YE THAT LABOR AND HEAVY LADEN"*   _You can only find the suitable rest in him !_   _You can only find the lasting rest in him._   _You can only find the everlasting rest in him._   *ASK ME HOW* ❓  *Your Faith* ✍️  _Your faith here is your belief ,your submission to God._   _This God can only do all that was  listed above if your Faith in him is ...


SECRET OF GETTING PEOPLE TO DO WANT YOU WANT... H onest appreciation got result where criticism and ridicule failed. L et cease thinking of our accomplishments,our wants.  L et's try to figure out the other person's good points. T hen forget flattery. G ive honest, sincere appreciation. B e hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise, and people will cherish your words and treasure them and repeat them over a lifetime. Repeat them years after you have forgotten them. Written by - Bankole kehinde john ✍️ Date - 5,Feb ,2021 TODAY MOTIVATION ✍️

How 'Iron Man' bacteria could help protect the environment

How 'Iron Man' bacteria could help protect the environment Research opens the door to applications in recycling and remediation This Geobacter cell is speckled with cobalt minerals that would be toxic to many organisms. February 3, 2021 Researchers at Michigan State University have shown that microbes are capable of a feat that could help reclaim a valuable natural resource and soak up toxic pollutants. The U.S. National Science Foundation-funded team published its discovery in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology. Geobiologist Gemma Reguera works with bacteria known as Geobacter, found in soil and sediment. She investigated what happens to the bacteria when they encounter cobalt. Cobalt is a valuable but increasingly scarce metal used in batteries for electric vehicles and alloys for spacecraft. It's also toxic to living things, including humans and bacteria. "It kills a lot of microbes," Reguera said. "Cobalt penetrates their cells and wreaks h...

Model analyzes how viruses escape the immune system

Model analyzes how viruses escape the immune system Researchers identify viral protein sequences that could inform therapeutic design A new model analyzes how viruses escape the immune system February 1, 2021 One reason it's so difficult to produce effective vaccines against some viruses, including influenza and HIV, is that these viruses mutate very rapidly. Mutation allows them to evade the antibodies generated by a particular vaccine, through a process known as "viral escape." MIT researchers have now devised a new way to computationally look at viral escape, based on models that were originally developed to analyze language. Their model can predict which sections of viral surface proteins are more likely to mutate in a way that enables viral escape, and can also identify sections that are less likely to mutate, making them good targets for new vaccines. "Viral escape is a big problem," says scientist Bonnie Berger of MIT. "Viral escape of th...