TALK 2 : THE POOR,THE WEAK. WHAT SHALL WE DO Note to all readers; you should all agreed with the writer that the weak and strong in the writing are the poor and rich respectively. If probably you missed the first talk of this write up, kindly go get it and read for maximum understanding of the writing. Hhmm..... WHAT ABOUT THE WEAK ?.. THEY ARE LEFT ! They are left with no choice, They are left to be the stepping stone to trend to attain powers They are left to be the wild dog sent out to barking profusely THE COMMUNE ! They commune as the ant with alarming signal to fight out their way, They cries out with one voice, sonorusly filled with bitterness They commune to uphold power They commune not to dance to the tone They commune to sting bitterly with grievance BUT.... The strong lions of the world roars terribly to silence them The strong lions of the world fight back with the claws of power The communism of weak becomes an hunting field to reflect powers...